What is growth in Motherhood?
There is no one answer,
There is no right answer.
Growth especially in motherhood means different things for different mums. That’s ok, it is beautiful to see mothers want diverse things.
For some, growth is not raising their voices at their babies (not there yet, but I’m getting there)
Growth is losing the baby weight (Pleased to let you know I’ve kept mine for 3yrs and counting)
Growth is starting a new job/business after motherhood.
Growth is getting a promotion after maternity leave.
Growth is taking charge of your social life (especially if motherhood made it nonexistent)
Growth is thriving in your mum life and not caring whatever anyone thinks.

Motherhood in itself comes with growth you did not ask for and it’s left for you to decide what to make of it.
What is growth in motherhood to you then?
For me, it is deciding you want something and going for it, not letting mum life stop you.
Are you tired of sitting home unhappy and asking yourself; is this it?
Is there more to this or does it end here?
I was also in your shoes, standing by the window all day looking out and feeling trapped in my mum life (a bit dark, I agree)
I had so many wishes going off in my head with no one to turn to.
I remember at the start of my journey, I looked around the internet for a mum blog that wasn’t teaching me how to be the perfect mum, and make banana cookies (I promise you I don’t hate the good things of life) or decorate a room or load the washer right.
Let me blow your mind, I couldn’t find one single one that had the mum in the center of it all. You know, focus on mum mindset, growing beyond doing home chores and being more.
I came across a few ones who were close but not there.
Don’t get me wrong, you may have come across some nice ones you love because they post your needs, but I couldn’t find ‘the one’.
It made me wonder how so much is expected of mums but not a lot of people are talking enough about helping mums achieve their own dreams and personal goals.
It’s almost as if we shouldn’t dare to dream.

It’s amazing to see how mums go all out for their families, putting everyone on, making sure they are alright and all. I’ve got one question though;
Who is checking on you?
Who is putting you on? (ok, I asked two)
If you don’t push yourself to look for more out of life (assuming it’s something you want) no one is coming to do it for you. This is the wake-up call I needed and I started to look for ways to do this.
How to grow in motherhood
First of all, your why needs to be strong. It should be your burning desire to hit your goal, not only for your family but for yourself. You need;
- The right mindset
- Clarity
- Drive/ambition
- Planning
- Structure

This is basically what motherhood growth entails. It is broad and thank goodness you are stuck here with me now! We’ve got time to explore and dive in one after the other in the coming blog posts.
What can I do to grow in my mum life?
Oh, they are so many. All you have to start with is to define what personal growth means to you as a mum and where to focus.
You can start by writing down personal goals, and ask yourself; ‘where will I like to grow’
If at this point I touched a nerve and you’re wondering who does she think she is?!!
Here is me in a nutshell and why I’m so passionate about growth in motherhood.
Now you have an idea of what growth in motherhood involves, it’s your turn to go back to the drawing board and see what you love to work on. Find out where your focus should be. There is no rush, take your time and let me know in the comments what growth means to you.